Students Prepare Boxes for Operation Christmas Child
Youngsters in need around the world will have a brighter holiday thanks to students in the Elizabeth Lee Black School. Students packaged a total of 31 boxes that have been delivered for distribution through Operation Christmas Child.
All students participated in the project this year, with each class deciding on the age group and gender for their boxes. Students then brought in items such as toys, school supplies, mittens and non-perishable treats.
“This is another of the many ways that our students, families and faculty are giving back to our community,” said Dr. Maureen Barber-Carey, executive vice president. “Our families were very generous in their donations and the students enjoyed preparing these boxes that will be sent to every corner of the world.”
Since 1993, more than 95 million shoe box gifts have been delivered to children in more than 130 countries. The program is hoping to collect 40,000 boxes in northwestern Pennsylvania this year.