Race with Grammy Finishes Strong

Posted on November 5th, 2013 at 7:24 PM
Race with Grammy Finishes Strong

Fifty half-marathons are enough for anyone to take on. Now imagine starting that quest at 66 years old.

Bev DiCarlo achieved her Race with Grammy goal of running a half-marathon in all 50 states. “Grammy” started her trek in January, 2010, when she laced up her running shoes and left the starting line of the Walt Disney World Half-Marathon in Orlando. She crossed the finish line in a half-marathon in Des Moines, Iowa on October 20, 2013, to finish her final half-marathon, logging a total of 668 miles (50 states plus D.C.) and 13 worn out pairs of running shoes.

Bev began her Race with Grammy campaign to raise awareness for autism and raise philanthropic support for the Dr. Gertrude A. Barber Foundation. When she began at 66 years old, “Grammy” was on a mission to complete half-marathons (13.1-mile races) in every state before she reached age 70.

The cause for Bev’s great challenge has a special place in her heart. Her grandson was diagnosed with autism, and as a child he received services at the Barber National Institute. Thanks to the help of his specially trained teachers and the support of his family, he now attends school in his home district and is making wonderful strides. “Grammy” teamed up with the Dr. Gertrude A. Barber Foundation to make her 50-state challenge more meaningful and to spread awareness of the Barber National Institute’s programs and services.

Bev has raised nearly $39,000 in support of the Barber Foundation. If you would like to make a gift recognizing her great achievement and supporting services for children with autism, click here to make an online donation or contact the Advancement Office at 814-878-4033 or email GaryBukowski@BarberInstitute.org

Additional Photos

A look at the medals Grammy received for running.