Philanthropists Awarded

Posted on November 17th, 2022 at 8:15 PM
Philanthropists Awarded

An Erie family and an Erie business with worldwide operations were honored with awards marking National Philanthropy Day on Tuesday, Nov. 15

The awards are presented by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Northwestern Pennsylvania Chapter to recognize individuals, businesses and foundations that make a difference through their generosity and activism.

The Barber National Institute was honored to nominate the Kang Family, including Drs. Jay and Mona Kang and their children Genelia and Jared, for the Outstanding Philanthropists, as well as Logistics Plus, an Erie-based business awarded as Outstanding Philanthropic Organization.

Thank you to the Kang Family and Logistics Plus for all that you have done to support the mission of the Barber National Institute and improve our community and our world. 


Read the award nominations here:

Kang Family – Outstanding Philanthropists

Logistics Plus – Outstanding Philanthropic Organization

Additional Photos

Presentation of the Outstanding Philanthropic Organization Award:  From left, Laura Schaaf, Dave Schumacher, president of AFPNWPA; Yuriy Ostapyak, chief operations office for Logistics Plus; John Barber.