Help for Ukraine

Posted on May 11th, 2022 at 12:46 PM

Pennies, dimes, and quarters from students collected in Erie, PA is bringing relief to one of the most devastated areas of the world.

A Penny Drive held by students, faculty, and families in the Elizabeth Lee Black School raised $1,250 to be used to bring needed supplies to children and families in war-torn Ukraine. 

During the two-week fundraiser, collection jars decorated by students were placed throughout the main campus of the Barber National Institute enabling all staff to donate.  School families and employees from throughout the organization also sent in their contributions.

The  Penny Drive donation was presented to Logistics Plus, an Erie-based company with distribution sites around the world, that is coordinating a relief project for those affected by the war in Ukraine.  Adrienne Sanders and Maria Czerwinski, representatives of Logistics Plus, accepted the donation for the relief efforts during a presentation in front of the Barber National Institute on Thursday, May 5.

“We appreciate the leadership of Logistics Plus in coordinating this effort, and we're happy to know that 100% of the money raised will be used to get needed supplies to the people of Ukraine,” said Dr. Maureen Barber-Carey, executive vice president of the Barber National Institute.  “Our community has been very supportive of our mission to serve vulnerable children and adults, and we believe that we need to also come together in support of other people in great need around the world.”

Dr. Barber-Carey said that the Penny Drive was formed after a group of teachers approached her about finding a way to help those affected by the invasion of Ukraine, particularly children.  “We have several families of students in our school who come from Ukraine, and so the plight of the people there was really driven home for us,” said Dr. Barber-Carey.

In March, the Employee Service Fund (ESF) also made a donation to “Erie for Ukraine,” a relief effort coordinated by the Grace Slavic Pentecostal Church and First Ukrainian Pentecostal Church.  The ESF is an employee-directed fund made up of voluntary contributions from staff at the Barber National Institute that supports more than 60 local, national and worldwide charities nominated by participating employees every year. 


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Students from the Elizabeth Lee Black School joined Dr. Maureen Barber-Carey in presenting a $1,250 donation raised during a Penny Drive for relieve efforts in Ukraine.  Accepting the donation were Adrienne Sanders and Maria Czerwinski, representatives of Logistics Plus, an Erie-based company coordinating get needed supplies to the war-torn country.