Ellison and Brown to Present in Pittsburgh in November
Ann Ellison, M.A., BCBA and Marie Brown, M.S., BCBA, will be presenting "The Next Generation: Social Skills and Video Modeling in the Digital World" on Thursday, November 12 from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Autism Connection of PA, 35 Wilson Street #101, Pittsburgh, PA 15223.
Continuing Education Credits Available: Act 48 and Social Workers.
Ann Ellison, M.A., BCBA has been helping children and families affected by Autism for more than 25 years. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Northwest PA Autism Society and is the Behavior Services Coordinator at the Barber National Institute in Erie, Pennsylvania.
Maria Brown, M.S., BCBA has been working with individuals with intellectual disabilities and mental health concerns for 14 years. Maria has held various positions at the Barber National Institute in Erie Pennsylvania, and is currently focusing on social skill development in her work with children with ASD.
The evidence-based practices of Social Stories (Carol Gray) and Video Modeling are among the most effective interventions for social skill development. This session will present an evolution of these strategies into the digital world which can easily be replicated in homes, schools or clinics. Social skill development is an important area of growth for many individuals living with autism. The ability to understand others and perform expected behaviors is key to successful relationships, employment and inclusion. Two of the most effective interventions for social skill development are the evidence based practices of Social Stories (Carol Gray) and Video Modeling. This session will present an evolution of these strategies into the digital world which can easily be replicated in homes, schools or clinics.
At the conclusion of this program, participants will:
- List the essential features for effective use of social stories and video modeling to develop social skills.
- Identify 3 digital tools which can be used to create social stories or video modeling projects.
- Create a basic storyboard for a digital social story or video modeling project to teach or strengthen a specific skill.