Dr. Barber Memorial Mass

Posted on April 24th, 2023 at 12:58 PM
Dr. Barber Memorial Mass

The community is invited to attend a celebratory mass for the continued fruitfulness of the apostolate and works of charity founded by Gertrude A. Barber, Servant of God. The mass will be held on Thursday, April 27, 2023, 11 a.m. at Saint Patrick Church, 130 East Fourth Street, Erie PA.

Monsignor Thomas McSweeney, postulator for the Cause for Gertrude Barber, will celebrate the mass that commemorates the legacy of her work on behalf of persons with disabilities. The event also coincides with the upcoming 23rd anniversary of her death on April 29, 2000.

Most Rev. Lawrence Persico, bishop of the Diocese of Erie, announced the opening of the Cause for canonization in December 2019. More information about Gertrude Barber’s life and the canonization process is available at https://www.drbarber.org/