Digital Learning Day 2020

Posted on February 27th, 2020 at 9:37 PM
Digital Learning Day 2020

The latest technology – from virtual reality to interactive devices – that is transforming education was on display for Digital Learning Day on Thursday, Feb. 27 at the Barber National Institute. Twelve hands-on, interactive stations provided students, staff and visitors with opportunities to try out a variety of devices, apps and other technologies.

Activities included an eye gaze device that enables students to communicate through the focus of their eyes, and a variety of apps that expand abilities of the iPad.

Math education students from Penn State Behrend showed the differences between virtual and traditional popular math lessons, and students in the Education department at Edinboro University demonstrated virtual reality tours in Google Expeditions.

Digital Learning Day began as a national grassroots effort in 2012 to highlight innovative educators and great teaching practices that are improving students’ outcomes with technology.

Students ranging in age from preschool through high school classes in the Elizabeth Lee Black School participated in the activities. All 24 classrooms are equipped with iPads to assist faculty, including teachers and speech and occupational therapists. Faculty also utilize a wide variety of apps to help students learn a variety of skills ranging from handwriting, socialization and everyday living skills such as dressing and tooth brushing.

Much of the new technology has been funded by donations to the Barber Foundation, and is especially important for students with autism and intellectual or physical disabilities.

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