Digital Learning Celebrated

Posted on February 25th, 2021 at 4:09 PM
Digital Learning Celebrated

You don’t have to look far to see how digital technology has transformed education over the past year.  As the pandemic forced schools to close, digital technology enabled students to continue learning at home, and in hybrid education as schools mixed remote and in-person instruction.

Various aspects of the technical world are being explored and enjoyed as the Elizabeth Lee Black School holds a virtual celebration for Digital Learning Day on Thursday, Feb. 25.  Classrooms will gather virtually to kick off the day with a video presentation highlighting some of the ways that they have used technology over the past year. 

Students and faculty will look at how the latest technology, from new apps to virtual dance instruction, became part of education.

Digital Learning Day began as a national grassroots effort in 2012 to highlight innovative educators and great teaching practices that are improving students’ outcomes with technology.

Students ranging in age from preschool through high school classes in the Elizabeth Lee Black School will be participating in activities in the classroom and on-line.  All 24 classrooms are equipped with iPads to assist faculty, including teachers and speech and occupational therapists.  Faculty also utilize a wide variety of apps to help students learn a variety of skills ranging from handwriting, socialization and everyday living skills such as dressing and tooth brushing.

Much of the new technology has been funded by donations to the Barber Foundation and is especially important for students with autism and intellectual or physical disabilities.  

Visitors are invited view a video prepared by school faculty to showcase some of the ways that digital technology was used this year: