
Corry Auto Dealers Exchange Auction

Posted on April 26th, 2018 at 7:30 PM
Corry Auto Dealers Exchange Auction

The Corry Auto Dealers Exchange held an auction of donated cars that raised more than $10,390 for the Barber National Institute on Thursday, April 26.

Area dealerships that donated vehicles include New Motors, Humes Chryser, Cunningham Chrysler, David Corry Chrysler, Dave Warren Chrysler, Webber Harris Ford, NFI Empire and the Corry Auto Exchange.

The charity auction was held as part of an event celebrating the 72nd anniversary of Corry Auto Dealers Exchange that included an auction of more than 500 vehicles, lunch, raffles and prizes.

“This was a fantastic opportunity for us to join with our dealership partners and give back to our community that supports us so much,” said Holly Callan, assistant general manager at Corry Auto Dealers Exchange.



John Barber thanks Holly Callan, Assistant Manager, and George Pero, General Manager at Corry Auto Dealers Exchange for organizing the event.

John Barber, center, thanks Merle Swift, left, of Webber Harris Ford and Dave Warren, right, from Dave Warren Chrysler, two of the dealers who donated cars that were auctioned at Corry Auto Exchange.

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