Community Endeavors (community-based day services) is a different concept in day services for adults and seniors with developmental disabilities. Unlike most traditional day programs, adults in Community Endeavors spend their day out in the community participating in activities of their choosing to meet their goals and becoming active members of their communities.
Each day begins in a relaxed social setting as the individuals and staff prepare for the day. Each person will embark on individual or group activities they have selected. If individuals choose to stay on site, they can enjoy a range of activities:
Individuals will have increased opportunities to interact with peers with simliar interests and goals. All group activities are designed to build socialization skills and promote greater participation in our community.
In addition to our unique philosophy, we believe that what sets our program apart is our dedicated staff who have a genuine concern about our individuals, and have experience and an interest in community-based activities. Our staff is committed to the principle of individual choice and meeting the unique needs of every program participant. In addition, all staff receive ongoing professional development and training to better serve our adults.
The opportunities range from community integration/involvement, job exploration, academic activities, socialization, community awareness, health/fitness,
Above all, the service model will honor the individual's choice, focus on personal outcomes, and offer our adults greater flexibility in choosing their schedules and developing their interests.