ESO Dances for Young Adults with Autism or Intellectual Disabilities

ESO Dances are sponsored by the Barber National Institute for adults ages 18 and up with autism or an intellectual disability and their college-aged peers. The ESO dances are held at Edinboro, Penn State Behrend, Gannon and Mercyhurst Universities during the academic months. (ESO Dances may be held at another location if a college is unable to host a dance.) ESO Dances extend an open invitation to adults with an intellectual disability to enjoy an evening of fun, dancing, and friendship with their peers.

College students serve as volunteers at the dances and promote a great deal of interaction with the dancers. Plenty of volunteers are always on site, with an average of approximately 100+ volunteers at every dance. 

Parents/caregivers of the adults are also welcome to stay for the dance. ESO attendees get to know one another on a personal and social basis at the dances. The dances promote a positive and fun environment for consumers with an intellectual disability.  



Locations are subject to change.  Please watch the flyers for the correct location. For the safety of our dancers, children are not permitted to be at the ESO dances.  For further information or questions on how to get involved with these fun & friendship-forming local dances for adults with intellectual disabilities, please contact the FSS office at 814-878-4088.

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ESO Dances for Young Adults with Autism or Intellectual Disabilities

2019 ESO Carnival Dance

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