
Lifesharing Through Family Living

Lifesharing Through Family Living - Baseball Games

What is Lifesharing?

Lifesharing through Family Living enables an individual with intellectual disabilities to join a provider family or a companion in their private home as a member of that family. Becoming a Lifesharing family with a person with disabilities, who may or may not be biologically related, means opening one's home and heart to someone who desires to live in a shared, supportive family environment.

Benefits of Lifesharing:

  • Less restrictive, more individual-based residential service than group home services with 24/7 support from Barber National Institute staff.
  • Being part of a family in a caring, committed home.
  • Stability and continuity in one's life.
  • Increased community involvement.
  • Developing relationships and friendships.
  • Providers specifically trained on the individual's diagnosis, needs, strengths, and interests.

How Can I Get More Information?

Lifesharing is a wonderful program that enriches the lives of all involved! If you would like more information, please contact (215) 871-0731 for Philadelphia or, in Erie, contact Cassie Pilarski at (814) 878-4115.

Contact Us in ErieContact us in PhiladelphiaLifesharing Provider Application

Lifesharing FAQs

What is Lifesharing?
What are the benefits of Lifesharing?
What are the requirements to be a Lifesharing provider?
Can I be a Lifesharing provider of a biological family member?
What is the difference between Lifesharing and community group homes?
What will the individual be like?
Will I have help?
How does the Lifesharing process start?
How are providers paid?