Barber National Institute's Mission

We are "making dreams come true." We provide children and adults with autism, intellectual disabilities, and behavioral health challenges and their families the education, support, and resources needed to be self-reliant, independent, and valued members of their community. In addition, we provide the professionals who serve them with world-class education and training.


Our GuidingPhilosophy

All individuals are people of God, with feelings, emotions, needs, and capabilities unique to these persons and their heritage. In a world where all persons differ, everyone should have the opportunity to develop to their fullest potential.

We believe that all persons can learn, have the right to learn, and must be provided with experiences for growth and development: spiritually, morally, aesthetically, socially, physically, and educationally. We further believe that learning is a continuous process from infancy through adulthood.


Our Vision

At the Barber National Institute, we believe that all persons have the capacity for growth and fulfillment, and to that end, they must be afforded every opportunity to attain the greatest use of their potential within themselves and their community.

It is our Vision that persons who have an interest in seeking employment are afforded supports to develop and enhance their employment skills and opportunities to obtain competitive and integrated community employment.

It is our Vision that the Barber National Institute remains flexible in our approach to outcome-based treatment modalities and systems so that we continuously evolve and improve the ever-changing best practice of services for children and adults with developmental disabilities and varying challenges.

It is our Vision that a family who is seeking services for a child or adult will look to the Barber National Institute as the preeminent leader. The Institute will be seen as the most trusted guide in the treatment of their family member, regardless of whether the service is provided by the Barber National Institute or by professionals who are practicing with skills gained through education, training, and consultation at the Institute.

It is our Vision that professionals will see the Barber National Institute as the place where their profession is practiced at the highest level of expertise.

It is our Vision that every organization that is genuinely committed to people will see the Barber National Institute as a highly valued resource for knowledge, education, training, consultation, and support. We will be seen as a trusted partner and one with whom they will want to align to advance best practice options.