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301 "The Lagoon Nebula; a stellar nursery" by Bob Martin
302 "Black Hole; where mass and light vanish" by Bob Martin
303 "watching from my window I notice as snow transforms my worldless view" by Karin Edgett
304 "straw horse" by Karin Edgett
305 "Beachcomber" by Kathy A. Welte
306 "Stormy" by Kathy A. Welte
307 "Kinzua" by Karen Heltzel
308 "Scandia" by Karen Heltzel
309 "Midnight" by Amy Hahn
310 "Earthbound" by Jennifer Morell
311 "Rigged Flight" by Jennifer Morell
312 "You Have the Key" by Lynn Marie Fizel
313 "Aspect
314 "The Cleveland Skyline After a Storm" by Francis Demaske
315 "Zeka Blossums" by Marsha Cisek
316 "Rose of the Winds" by Mary Kay Cass, C.Z.T.
317 "Early Riser" by Jacque Caringola
318 "Alaskan Birch" by Jacque Caringola
319 "Garden Gate" by Judith Pelkowski
320 "Untitled" by Jesse Wolfgang
321 "Chief" by Jesse Wolfgang
322 "Look Dad!" by Dennis Croxall
323 "Lost in Thought" by Dennis Croxall
324 "Pale Moon" by Lene Currie
325 "Raven" by Lene Currie
326 "Cotton Candy Skies" by Megan Leo
327 "The Trinity" by Megan Leo
328 "Samuel" by Charlotte Randall
329 "Wisdom" by Wilma Fleming
330 "Avoiding Evil" by Wilma Fleming
332 "Bicycles" by Kimberly Mascia
333 "Horse in Black and White" by Kimberly Mascia
334 "Toledo, Spain" by Allison Duda
335 "Is It Nap Time Yet?" by Allison Duda
336 "Before, and After" by Corey Thompson
337 "Retired memories" by Corey Thompson
338 "DADDYS GIRL" by Robert Englert
339 "To the Rivers I Cast my Memories" by Hannah Jacobson
340 "Gladiolus 1" by Janet Wilson
341 "Gladiolus 2" by Janet Wilson
342 "Dreaming in Colors" by Corry Day Program
343 "From the Source" by Jill Rouke
344 "Meditation II" by Jill Rouke
345 Glade Creek Grist Mill" by Kenneth C. Fairman
346 "Presque Isle Turtles" by Kenneth C. Fairman
237 "Verdant" by Ken Gamble
348 "Kubrick Shopping" by Ken Gamble
349 "Requiem in Blue" by Ron McCorkle
350 "Wood Fired Jar" by Ron McCorkle
351 "Lettie G. Howard" by Tim Timon
352 "Show Offs (Pride of Baltimore
353 "THE RACE" by Victoria Norvaisa
354 "Wanderings" by Victoria Norvaisa
355 "Beyond the Sea" by Leonard Wnukowski
356 "Rose" by Kevin Burfield
357 "Blowin' in the Wind" by Diana Boone
358 "Breakwall" by Diana Boone
359 "WOW!" by Robert Harris
360 "The Journey" by Robert Harris
361 "Look deep into nature" by Emily Southard
362 "Conductor" by Emily Southard
363 "Academy Hall, Edinboro University, Edinboro, PA" by Francis Demaske
364 "Veiled Cascade" by James Rutkowski
365 "Mountain Solitude" by James Rutkowski
366 "Double Dragons" by Heather Newman
367 "Unicorn Sky" by Heather Newman
368 "Notes Frozen in Time" by Mary Pat Haven
369 "EYE of the Beholder" by Heavenly Joy Valentine
370 "Woodcock Creek" by Bill Joslin
371 "Bright Idea" by Michael Saletra
372 "Back in Time" by Michael Saletra
373 "New Beginning" by Sharon Pieri
374 "Lilac Breasted Roller" by Heidi Wigham
375 "Island Vibes" by Belinda Rogers
376 "Pieces of Beach" by Belinda Rogers
377 "Lavender Fields" by Corry Day Program
378 "Gazing at the Stars" by JoAnn Peters
381 "Jade Elephant" by Bloom Artist
382 "Erie Stag" by Bloom Artist
383 "Wheel in the Sky Keeps on Turning" by Sarah Hartmans
384 "Sunflower" by Jayne Gamet
385 "Nesting Owls" by Terry Lucas
386 "Hungry Swallowtail Butterfly" by Brian C. Maloney
387 "Lidded Jar" by Jessie Simmons
388 "Where the Buffalo Roam" by Arthur Sprague
389 "Rt. 322 on Way to Penn State" by Lee Steadman
390 "Fish Guard" by Norman Wall
391 "Tree of Life" by Phyl Weaver
392 "Georgia O'Keeffe Platter" by Shannon Zuck
393 "South Carolina, Wetlands" by Arlene Millis
394 "Hoot" by Arlene Millis
395 "A Night in Iceland" by Danna Kimberlin
396 "Fairy Garden" by Art Bacchus
397 "Welcoming Beacon" by Art Bacchus
398 "Field in Bloom" by Jacqueline Graff
399 "Sun Down" by Jacqueline Graff
400 "Storks" by Holly A. Villella
401 "Still Life Modern" by Holly A. Villella
402 "Eerie Cemetary" by Frederich Fiedler
403 "Discarded" by Frederich Fiedler
404 "Pocket Full of Posies" by Teri Fiedler
405 "Fall Chics" by Mari Costell
406 "Snow Birds" by Mari Costell
407 "The New Mona Lisa" by Mary J. Rosiak
408 "Philly Lilies" by Mary J. Rosiak
409 "Tree of Life" by Rebecca Baumgardner
410 "Summers Love" by Rebecca Baumgardner
411 "Finding Vivian Maier" by George Norman Lippert
412 "Inspired by Jennie Ives" by George Norman Lippert
413 "Failure" by Elizabeth Surdo
414 "Beach Blue" by Barbara H. Raines
415 "Blue Jay 1" by Eric Fargiorgio
416 "Blue Jay 2" by Eric Fargiorgio
417 "County Cow" by Chuck Benson
418 "Lenten Rose - The Promise of Spring" by Carolyn Carner
419 "Beach Finds" by John Ballard
420 "After The Storm" by John Ballard
421 "Dark and Lovely" by Sheldon McNeill
423 "Ragnarok" by Bryan Toy
424 "crossing paths" by Bryan Toy
425 "Farmer's Market Hydrangas" by Judy Welch
426 "Pine Grove" by Judy Welch
427 "Mallard is Alert" by Brian C. Maloney
428 "Nightmare 14 / Not Permitted to Fly" by Luke Gehring
429 "Nightmare 4 / Wrong Turn to my Childhood Home" by Luke Gehring
430 "Manet Reminiscence" by Erin Jenkins
431 "Manet Reminiscence 2" by Erin Jenkins
432 "Sunshines" by Michelle Munksgard
433 "Through the Woods" by Melody Madigan
434 "LARRY" by Michelle Munksgard
435 "Crown Prince" by Randall W. Roberts
436 "Playtime" by Randall W. Roberts
437 "Country Road" by Janice Tobin
439 "Entry Level" by Matthew Torti
440 "Flowering Lilacs" by Courtney Elliott
441 "Presque Isle Pierhead Lighthouse" by Courtney Elliott
442 "Father Blizzard" by Hank Rafferty
443 "Growing Up Country" by Bonnie Rafferty
444 "Hillbilly Chess" by Gary Rafferty
445 "Niagara at Sail" by Gary Rafferty
446 "Raising Cane" by Rob Weber
447 "Day Is Done" by Kathy Erickson
448 "Serenity" by Kathy Erickson
449 "Blooming Beauty" by Kathy Maloney
450 "Spring Time with the Birds" by Denise Jaskiewicz
451 "Free Energy" by Vanessa Mazza
452 "Turn it Up" by Vanessa Mazza
453 "Summer Garden" by Amy Gierlak
454 "HARPER" by Amy Gierlak
456 "Friendship in the Sky" by Heather Cash
457 "Rear Window" by Patti Larson
458 "Grand Tetons in Autumn" by Patti Larson
459 "Silver Beach" by Rob Stroul
460 "Sam in Fox" by Rob Stroul
461 "Self Reflection" by Daniel Carroll
462 "Still Life in the Sunshine" by Daniel Carroll
463 "Les Bleus" by Lois Theuret Giewont
464 "Medley" by Lois Theuret Giewont
465 "Mute Swans" by Susan Leri
466 "Winter Friend" by Susan Leri
467 "Peppermint Forest" by Sandy Tanner
468 "Our Cities Hero" by Jerry Rivera
469 "Change" by Jerry Rivera
470 "Butterflies" by Tina Faulkner
473 "Nature Study" by Larry Walczak
474 "Mother Nature" by Larry Walczak
475 "Night Tree" by Dan Lytle
476 "Lone Wolf Howling" by Audrey Kendrick
478 "Colorful" by Linda Williams
479 "Abstract 101" by Ann Verga
480 "Flower" by Jay Moehler
481 "Reflection" by Sara Lillie
483 "A Few of My Favorite States" by Lisa Lapatra
486 "Sweet Treats" by William "Pete" Wittman
487 "Dream Big" by Joshua C Metzler
487 "Dream Big" by Joshua C Metzler
488 "Intersection" by Ron Rairie
491 "Unicorn and the Shooting Star" by Joan Harvey
492 "Rainbow Tree" by Jon Bean
493 "Watermelon" by Brenda MacDonald
"Tiny Hidden Hearts" by Passle Helminski
495 "Near Guys Mills" by Bill Engell
496 "Old West 10th" by Bill Engell
499 "Pride of Erie PA" by Kimberly Samsel
500 "Winter" by Kimberly Samsel
503 "Sunrise Alignment" by Mike Riley
504 "Irreconcilable Differences" by Ruth Ann Scanzillo
505 "Floral Fire" by Ruth Ann Scanzillo
506 "Calm Nature" by Ijenna G. Getty
507 "Winter Cabin" by Jason Scott Hesse
508 "Presque Isle Lighthouse" by Anna Marie Senita
509 "Lake Erie Ice Flows" by Anna Marie Senita
510 "Turtle: Mini Mosaic: A" by Barb Nodes-Nakoski
511 "RECLAMATION" by Jennifer Held
512 "DAYBREAK" by Jennifer Held
513 "Lighthouse Dock in Summer
514 "Lake Wilhelm at Sunset" by Keegan Gallagher
515 "Our Little Lake Showing Off Again." by Janice Mooney
516 "Creekside" by Noelle Stephenson
517 "Scorpion" by Noelle Stephenson
518 "Steam Punk" by Jason Amatangelo
519 "Lingering Grays" by Linda Daugherty
520 "Love at First Sight" by Christine French
521 "Winter Splendor" by Christine French
523 "Loon Lake" by Sallie Kotzman
524 "Duel of Destiny" by Isaac Waite
525 "In Mortal Combat" by Isaac Waite
526 "Doc's Oasis" by Nanci Lorei
527 "Arctic Tension" by Nanci Lorei
528 "Sun Bathing" by Maggie Rutkowski
529 "Enchanted River" by Maggie Rutkowski
531 "Good Lord" by Mary Kaliszak
532 "Comet Bop" by Carol Griffiths
533 "Santa Anna Sunset" by John Griffiths
534 "Meditation" by Christine Salva
535 "'Earth' from Matta D's Classics" by Matta D.
536 "City Street" by Yvonne Conley
537 "Piscatory Pile" by Hanna Wortkoetter
538 "Burano" by Elyse Walter
539 "Made It to Times Square" by Cynthia Lyons
540 "Raegan Portrait" by John St. George
541 "Above and Beyond" by Joe Krol
542 "Backyard Batting Practice: Ain't It Great 2B8!" by Joe Krol
544 "Kid Wagon (school bus)" by Janet Cotton
545 "Golden Hour" by Celeste Sala
546 "Dusk" by Celeste Sala
547 "Destiny's Child" by Antonio Howard
548 "Divide and Conga" by Antonio Howard
549 "Fisherman's Fog" by Margaret Knight
550 "North Pier Lighthouse" by Olga Kurbanova
551 "Presque Isle Lighthouse" by Olga Kurbanova
552 "Your house is on Fire" by Jody Neugebauer
553 "of Earth and Sky" by Jody Neugebauer
554 "Morning" by Sean Frawley
555 "The Watch" by Sean Frawley
556 "Shadows Never Lie" by Celeste Bentley
557 "Baba Yaga's Riders" by Isabelle Hardy
558 "Sun Setting on Lake Erie" by Leslie M. Ford
559 "Mermaid" by Penny Rybka
561 "Carl - the Hare" by Gudrun Richter
562 "The Dancer" by Gudrun Richter
563 "Solitude'" by Kevin Irvin
564 "Surf at Lobster Cove'" by Kevin Irvin
565 "Mischief Managed" by Sarah Perino
568 "Roses" by Eliza Chaffee Wolfe
569 "Henna Dance" by Ghadah Hussein
570 "Reaching for the Sun" by Mahmoud Hussein
571 "Frosty Winter Morning" by John Misterovich
572 "Warner Theater" by John Misterovich
573 "Peaceful Calla" by Sean Malmberg
574 "Morgan-Fire and Ice" by Sean Malmberg
575 "Entropy" by Kristen D'Andrea
577 "A Night in Venice" by Tom Ferraro
579 "Presque Isle Lagoon Kayaker" by Sheila Coon
580 "I Am Not a Trophy" by Cathryn Stranahan
581 "Zarah" by Cathryn Stranahan
582 "Flagship Niagara" by Rebecca Samler
583 "Tree" by Karen Skarupski
584 "Intrusion of the Iron Horse" by Deb Renzi
585 "Happy Fisherman" by Daniel Weisbrod
586 "Midwinter Blues" by Daniel Weisbrod
588 "Lake Erie Sunset" by Bushra Upal
589 "San Jose Mission-San Antonio, TX" by Marian Aranyos
590 "Presque Isle Houseboats" by Kaustav Mukherjee
591 "Evening Reflections" by Sarah Schoolcraft
592 "Crash" by Sarah Schoolcraft
593 "Floral Lace" by Marcia Hatton
594 "Adventure Awaits" by Christopher Dennison
595 "Frail" by Christopher Dennison
600 "A Pair of Pears" by Maria Scott
601 "Just Fish" by Jill Layton
602 "Untitled" by Adam Seydlorsky
603 "Nigel" by Kathleen Livingston
604 "Vertical Hold" by Andrew Cole
605 "Summer Landscape" by Maria Salas
606 "Untitled" by Inna Dovbush
607 "Untitled" by Samuel Cacchione
608 "Untitled" by Kevin Cybulski
609 "Untitled" by Susan Higley
610 "Vase with Flowers" by Tina Dinger
611 "Untitled" by Kimberly Novell
612 "Untitled" by Missy Zenewicz
613 "Passage" by Sarah Shaffer
614 "Flowers" by Agnes Balognae
615 "Hula" by Alfred Brown
1001 "Midnight Bloom" by Jason Scott Hesse
1002 "Fractal Tracts" by Frank Fecko
1003 "Pathfinders" Collaboration by Inna Dovbush, Alfred Brown, Sarah Shaffer and Donna Stright
1004 "Admiration 2" by Eugene Iverd
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